Our AGM is only a couple of months away on 20th March.
Your officers, committee / trustees, and committee admin. support volunteers have done a sterling job throughout 2023 leading to our u3a being in the robust position that it is.
However a couple of them have decided that now is the time for them to stand down from their roles, along with that we still have two committee positions vacant from the last AGM.
Apart from positions on the committee we have two specific roles that need to be filled those being;
i) A Minutes Secretary for our AGM and bi-monthly committee meetings. (At present this is an Admin Support Role and not a committee / trustee position)
& ii) A Vice Chairperson (This would be a Committee Trustee Role)
Amongst our 600+ membership we are sure that there are some that have experience and untapped skills along with some spare time to share them.
If you are one of these or you know someone who may be please consider joining us, you can find a proposal form in the West Wilts u3a Quarterly Magazine that you will have received. We are in general a friendly bunch and not at all scary! If you would like additional copies please get in touch.
All of our officers and committee positions will be up for election at our AGM, without them our WWu3a would cease to be viable.
Dennis Drewett
Chairman West Wilts u3a