
West Wilts

All the news

  • u3a friends

    The UK u3a family is currently more than 400K members and a current project is underway to help increase this to 500K plus. Across the country fantastic things are happening and to supplement ‘u3a matters’ a monthly newsletter was recently introduced to ensure members and friends were completely up to speed with news from across…

  • Spring Watch at Southwick

    Our next Monthly Meeting will be on Wednesday 17th April at St James Church in Trowbridge at 2pm. Ali Rasey, Countryside Officer at Southwick Nature Reserve will be telling us 'What To Look For In Spring'.

  • Tai Chi anyone?

    Tai Chi We are a small friendly group that has vacancies for new members. Tai Chi gently exercises the whole body while invigorating the mind and enriching the spirit. The low impact series of movements are designed to aid physical strength, agility and balance, they also help to maintain concentration and coordination. We meet at…

  • Exercise Class in Melksham

    We have a qualified fitness instructor with years of experience teaching mature people safe exercise to music who is proposing to run an exercise class based in Melksham. The session would start with gentle chair exercises, including lots of stretches to mobilise and warm up muscles and joints. There will be no floor work to…